Looking after your mental health in high stress work environments

It’s 2021 and we’ve never been more aware of the importance of taking care of our mental health. When, however, you’re in a high-stress, high stakes job, especially if you’re working for the NHS, you can often forget to check in on your mental wellbeing. That’s why we’ve put together this list of ideas, perfect for NHS staff, to help you focus on staying mentally and physically healthy.

Take a break

It might seem simple but making sure you’re well rested is vital to staying mentally healthy. If you’re a member of NHS staff it can be hard to let go but it’s important to remember that you’ll provide better quality care if you take your alloted breaks and disconnect from the high stress work environment once in a while. Try bringing something calming and distracting to do on your work breaks, for example, a book to read or some knitting, rather than simply losing yourself in your phone or the TV, activities which don’t actually let the mind rest.

Talk to somebody

When you’re working in patient care it can be all to easy to let the difficult days build up in your head, talking to somebody is the perfect way to let the stress go. A stable support group, friends, a partner or family are an essential tool in staying mentally healthy. If you’re lonely or need more help than your support group can provide NHS Charities Together can provide therapeutic support alongside the work place therapy provided within the NHS itself. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of these support services, they can make all the difference.

Escape from it all

With a job in the healthcare industry, it can be far too easy to take your work home with you, while the work is naturally emotionally involved, letting go and enjoying your days off is really important for staying mentally healthy. Plan interesting and exciting days out, take advantage of NHS discounts and voucher codes and make sure you’re really letting loose out of work. Whether it’s relaxing in a spa, taking the family to a theme park, seeing a theatre show or gig or just enjoying a good meal there are healthcare discounts for however you choose to relax after a long hard week of work.

We hope these tips, tricks and ideas help you focus a little bit more on yourself. However you choose to do it we wish you the best of mental health and thank you for your hard work in keeping our country healthy and safe.

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