How to beat the winter blues

We’re now in the depths of winter, and the bleak weather and distant dream of summer can really get you down. Many people find their mental health deteriorating during these colder months, and some will struggle to find the positives. If you’re affected by low mood over the winter, here are just a handful of top tips to beat the winter blues and improve your mental wellbeing.

Get out more

You may not want to if the weather is a bit grim, but getting out of the house can have a really significant positive impact on your mood. Even a ten-minute stroll around the block is better than nothing, but if you’re lucky enough to live near a green space, then take advantage – being closer to nature has been proven to boost production of the ‘happy hormones’ in your brain, leaving you feeling much lighter.

Get some houseplants

Further to what’s just been said, filling your home with some greenery can also be a real mood booster. Indoor spaces which contain houseplants have been shown to improve concentration, creativity and productivity, as well as lowering feelings of stress, anxiety and depression.

Lean into the winter

You can’t escape it, so embrace it! Instead of only seeing the downside of the season, start to look for the positives. You might want to embrace the Danish concept of Hygge, and use the winter as a good excuse to cosy up at home – think nice candles, fluffy socks and a warming mug of hot chocolate with people you love. Being stuck indoors doesn’t have to be all bad.

Reach out

If your low mood really does get too much, then reach out to your support network and stop trying to fight it on your own. Whether you talk to a friend or find NHS staff who can help, talking things through can often leave you in a much better frame of mind.

If you work for the health service then there’s good news, with healthcare discounts from NHS Discounts. With a range of coupons and voucher codes available, you can also save money this winter.

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