3 tips to keep work stress at work and relax at home

Being an NHS worker can be emotionally draining at the best of times. But the Covid-19 pandemic has had a catastrophic effect on the nation’s mental health and put many NHS staff under unimaginable pressure. Of course, feeling some stress at work is perfectly normal, but when we start bringing it home and allowing it to infect our downtime, the problems start. Below are X simple tips you can use to ensure your home remains a sanctuary from stress.

1 Recognise and rationalise it

The first step to exerting control over work-related stress is recognising it when you feel it. Whenever you find yourself stressing at home about your job, remind yourself that there’s nothing you can do about it from home.

2 Accept the limits of your control

There’s a reason that we can feel stress; sometimes, it’s an appropriate feeling that helps motivate us to address problems in our lives. But some things are beyond our control, and stressing about these situations does more harm than good. When you feel stressed about something, ask yourself if it’s a problem you can solve. If it’s out of your control, feeling stressed won’t help you.

3 Find a meditative hobby

From chess to sewing, there are plenty of things you can do at home to occupy your mind and give you something to focus on. These activities prevent your thoughts from running wild and dwelling on stressful situations. You might also discover a passion you didn’t know you had.

Leaving work stress behind when you finish for the day is often easier said than done. But with the right strategies, you can reclaim your own time to focus on your own health and happiness. We all need time to ourselves to be with our own thoughts and do the things that fulfil us. So try to make plans when you know you’ll have time to yourself, so you have activities you enjoy to fill your time with.

NHS staff can take advantage of NHS discounts at a range of retail outlets and venues. Our website keeps track of what discount codes and special offers are currently available to NHS staff. So whether you feel like a bit of retail therapy or you need a new pair of hiking boots so you can enjoy the outdoors on your days off, we can link you with the discounts and promotions only available to NHS staff. Check out what offers and promotions are available to NHS workers today.

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